En-Stasi, polystyrene, 2017

Enzo Barchi was born in Rome where he lives and works. He graduated as Maestro d’Arte of plastic arts at the Istituto d’Arte Edgardo Mannucci di Ancona and went on to study sculpture at Accademia delle Belle Arti di Macerata.
A constant trait in his works is the pursuit of reality in its original form. With "Rasa Mellow" first, "Attrattismo" 2010 and En-Stasi 2017, his investigation into the form of the personal aspect of the infinite, (as relate in the artistic canons, Shilpa Sastra, with "Tribhanga" the triple flex pose and "S Curve" in the Greek canons), assumes a definitive configuration and inclination, that distinguishes his sculptural and pictorial work.
Living and studying in Asram in Italy, USA, During the eighties in one of his sojourns in India, he participated in the realization of eight bronze High reliefs for the Prabhupada Samadhi at Vrindavana. In 2000 in Rome, he conceived and opened the Bhagavat Atheneum – an Indological library, and Bibliothè Gallery.
He has collaborated with important international and roman art institutions such as the Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale “Giuseppe Tucci” with which he organised the collective “L’artista come Rishi", with the CRDAV Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Arti Visive – MACRO with wich he organised the collective “Biblioteca” and with the Rhode Island School of Design Rome with which he cooperated in different exhibitions. Currently he coordinates a series of exhibitions called “Unum: One Artist One Great Work" at Bibliothè gallery.
Summer show, group show at Pio Monti Arte Contemporanea, Roma-2018
Medley, group show at Rhode Island School of Design, Roma-2018
Tu sappi l'immagine, group show at E-Campus University, Roma-2018
En-stasi, solo show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2017
Matchless Gifts, group show at Bhakti Center, New York-2016
Scuola Museo, group show at Istituto Guicciardini, Roma-2016
RISD Spring exhibition (Alongside Roman artist), group show at Rhode Island School of Design, Roma-2016
Sat-Asat: Permanente-Impermanente, solo show at La Porta Blu Gallery, Roma-2015/2016
Vrindavan Tour, group show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2015
Triplice-Threefold, solo show at Fort Gondo compound for the Arts, St.Louis Mo USA-2015
Estate: Laboratori d'arte, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, group show at Foyer Accademia Santa Cecilia, Roma-2015
Anabasi, group show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2015
Formal, group show Rhode Island School of Disegn, Roma-2015
Spiritual Bridge, group show at Museo San Salvatore in Lauro-Galleria Umberto Mastroianni, Roma-2015
Maha Tattva: Nuvola spirituale-cielo materiale, solo show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2015
La grande illusione, group show at Temple University, Roma-2014
Aspettando la cometa, group show at Lavatoio Contumaciale, Roma-2013
Roma Punto Zero - Itinerari d’arte contemporanea a Roma, group show at Galleria Baccina Techne, Roma-2013
Biennale del Libro d’Artista, group show at Castel dell’Ovo, Napoli-2012
Ginnosofisti: Denudati fino all’essenza, group show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2012
L’Artista come Rishi, group show at Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma-2011
Natività, group show at Museo della Ceramica, Deruta-2011
Attrattismo, solo show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2010
La città dalle Nove Porte, group show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2009
Fiori di loto e le rose, double solo show with Georges de Canino at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2009
Mahabharata “così è stato”, group show at Bibiliothè contemporary art, Roma-2009
Doppia Energia: Spirito dell’Arte, Spirito della Scienza, group show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2009
Khrisna, workshop at Planet Art, New Delhi-2008
Psicografia, solo show at Web Gallery, Roma-2008
Rasa Mellow, solo show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2007
Riparte, group show, Roma-2007
Il segno della matita, group show at Galleria Irtus, Sutri-2005
Il Tempo dell’Arte, group show at Palazzo Wedekind, Roma-2005
Life and its origin, group show at Bibliothè contemporary art, Roma-2004
Spiritualità e arte moderna, group show at Teatro Argilla, Roma-1998